Monthly Archives: July 2012

Get Back In the Saddle Sweetie


A few days ago I was sitting around with some friends, lamenting my annual fight with writer’s block. 

It seems to happen at this time of year.  There are so many wonderful things happening, so many great stories being lived, and yet I seem to struggle to get them onto paper….or in this case…computer screen.


There’s no reason for it, other than the typically Canadian response to our few months of sunshine.  I want to be in the sun.  Summer goes by quickly, tempting me out from under my rock and into the outdoors.  Maybe the office and computer should be moved outside.

A weasel that our dog cornered in the front yard!

My husband’s brother listened carefully, sipping his wine, while the rest of us chatted about my need to get writing. 


He leaned forward, looked in my direction, blinked a couple of those slow blinks that come after one has spent an evening sipping on their wine, and said “get back in the saddle sweetie”.  It makes me smile even as I write it.

My brother-in-law is not exactly known for his outward expressions of endearment.  I feel so lucky – like a princess really.

We all thought this was pretty funny, and I think it makes a great title for a new story.  It’s a bit rambling and not really about anything in particular, but I wanted to share.

The girls trying some honey straight from the hive.

Taking his advice, I will ‘get back in the saddle’ and tell you some more beekeeping stories, some actual riding in the saddle stories, some summer fun stories, and whatever else comes along and wants to be told.


Nothing better than a sunny day with your feet in the lake.

I just had to post this one for my brother-in-law so he would know that I am back in the saddle.  Thanks to everybody for the gentle nudge back towards writing.

 But first – abandoning the house once again, I’m going outside to catch a horse. 

 “Few of us write great novels; all of us live them.”  –  Mignon McLaughlin, writer


Yet again . . . Come walk with me

Another friend, another gorgeous yard. Maybe I am trying to live vicariously through others who have lovely yards. Whatever the case, this friend is a fantastic gardener and works hard to make her yard what it is. She has been at if for many years and the garden just keeps growing and changing. She has created a truly beautiful oasis in the prairies.

As you can see this is a special place. And if this is where you live who would want to leave.


“A good garden may have some weeds” Thomas Fuller

Little Cabin in the Woods

View from the cabin

It has been the most amazing summer and it is not even half over. So lucky to have had a fishing trip, grads, the fair and now another fishing trip. There seems to be a recurring theme. Friends of ours have a cabin in a remote location in Northern Saskatchewan. Spending time there takes the meaning of peace and quiet to a whole new level. Of course there is the noise of the generator and the bear issue but if you want some lights and to hopefully keep the latter away that is what you do. Mind you the snoring of some of the cabin dwellers probably scares all bears and any other wildlife in the area.

Check out the fish mama caught.

There is propane for the stove and the barbecue; as mentioned power for the lights and fridge when the generator is on; running water when you run down to the lake and get it; and even an outdoor shower. It will come as no surprise to discover there is no cell service. And there is fish. Fantastic fish. It goes without saying when planning what food to take that there will be fish for suppers. Plenty of fish. And we caught a lot. Guess who caught the biggest? It is such a relaxing place and so easy to put all the demands and stresses of regular life aside.

Old trappers cabin

Maybe not quite so much for the big guy who was having mechanical problems with the boat most of the time. But as far as I am concerned if top speed is just slightly above that of strong paddling the ride is just that much more tranquil. No one was wearing a watch or had a cell phone so it truly did not matter if it took an extra half an hour to get to the next fishing hole. Just enjoy the boat ride, the fishing, the fish and the companionship of some great people. And it seems without even trying ,or actually noticing at first, I may have turned into a fisherwoman.

– Kelly

“Good things come to those who bait” Author Unknown


Happenstance is defined as a coincidence, a chance circumstance, or an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental.  Much like serendipity, the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. It seems to be so amazing when you have been interested in making your own cheese and suddenly every food site you go to on the web has a simple and easy recipe for making cheese. Or when you are looking for a certain type of instructor in a certain location and it turns out that you are already linked on facebook. Who knew? Or you have decided to pursue some new projects and in the process of making inquiries the first line you notice on the next e-mail you receive is a request for that exact type of project.
These events do seem circumstantial, but do you suppose it is a case of what we are looking for? And that can be either positive or negative. If you are looking for problems, without a doubt you can find many. So is the opposite then true?
I suspect it related to having a positive outlook on life or being an optimist. I am not suggesting this is always an easy thing to do. Many face extremely difficult challenges. And life can be hard. But if we try to look on the bright side is it possible that happenstance is more likely to occur? If it is truly a coincidence then we can’t control it. But perhaps we can increase the likelihood of it happening if we try to be more open and curious. What sort of happenstance has occurred in your world lately?

– Kelly

“We make choices but are constantly foiled by happenstance.” Penelope Lively